Yucaipa Swim Team Code of Conduct



OBJECTIVE: To establish a conducive environment within the Yucaipa Swim Team that promotes the achievement of individual goals for every swimmer.


As a YST Swimmer, I will:

1. Consistently arrive on time for all practices and competitions.

2. Remain attentive and responsive during all team activities.

3. Refrain from actions that disrupt practice (cheating during practice will be considered disruptive behavior).

4. Avoid the use of profane language or gestures.

5. Maintain respectful physical boundaries; keeping my hands to myself at all times.

6. Foster a positive atmosphere through constructive and supportive comments about teammates, coaches, and others.

7. Exhibit respect towards coaches, parents, and fellow swimmers.

8. Uphold exemplary conduct, recognizing that individual actions reflect on the entire team.

9. Adhere to all instructions and directions.

10. Wear appropriate swim attire that is neither offensive nor overly revealing.

11. Understand the permission to exit the pool or practice session early is only upon request.

12. Participate in the maintenance of facilities, including post-meet clean-up, practice set-up, and equipment storage as directed.

13. Prohibit and discourage vandalism of any property or equipment at any time or location.



OBJECTIVE: To foster a supportive environment for the Yucaipa Swim Team, contributing to a well-rounded experience for each swimmer with parental assistance.


As the parent of a YST Swimmer, I will:

1. Refrain from undermining or interfering with coaching strategies during practices and competitions.

2. Recognize that parents are not permitted on the pool deck during scheduled practice times.

3. Avoid disruptions or interruptions during coaching sessions.

4. Address inquiries about meet entries through scheduled discussions with the respective coaches.

5. Communicate concerns or questions regarding your child by arranging meetings with the Head Coach - such conversations will not be tolerated through call or text. 

6. Respect the designated time frame for contacting coaches which stands between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm (with exceptions to swim meets).

7. Demonstrate sportsmanship and respect during practices and competitions.

8. Maintain composure and understand the distinct roles of swimmers, coaches, officials, and parents.

9. Prohibit the use of derogatory language or actions towards coaches, officials, or swimmers.

10. Engage positively with the team by supporting swimmers, coaches, and other parents.

11. Direct questions about official decisions to a YST coach.

12. Commit to volunteering during meets, irrespective of your child's participation.

13. Acknowledge that conduct bringing disrepute to the Yucaipa Swim Team may result in disciplinary actions, including potential termination of membership.

14. Refrain from speaking to athletes that are not my own in a negative or taunting way.

15. Parents are accountable for ensuring that all individuals within their group or those they have extended invitations to, adhere to the aforementioned guidelines during practices, meets, and events. Any misconduct exhibited by invited individuals will result in identical disciplinary measures.



Coaches have the discretion to impose disciplinary measures, which may include additional laps, cleanup duties, physical exercises, or suspension from practice. In the event of expulsion, the swimmer must contact a parent to discuss the matter with the coach and ensure safe departure. Continuous misconduct may lead to a meeting with the swimmer, parents, and coaches, and potential team suspension as recommended to the Board.



To report conduct violations:

1. Contact the Head Coach privately, away from the pool and other participants.

2. Report  the incident promptly including as much information necessary (within 48 hours).

3. Describe only personally witnessed events.

4. Respond to any further inquiries from the Head Coach.



Both swimmer and parent must sign this document to participate in YST activities. Swimmers will be prohibited from participation of any kind until this form is duly signed and submitted.


Swimmer Agreement





Parent Agreement